Security and Privacy are our top priority

At Twing, we prioritise data security and privacy above all else. We do not store any conversation data or use it for training our models. All processing from individual users happens in separate containers that are short lived, your data is available only in memory to them.

Secure Infrastructure

Our infrastructure is hosted on AWS managed services, ensuring top-notch industry standards for reliability, encryption, and privacy. With AWS handling the underlying infrastructure's management and security, you can be assured that your information is in safe hands. Learn More

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Data Encryption

We utilise AES-256 encryption for our databases. We enforce HTTPS communication with SSL SHA-256 ECDSA Certificates on the latest TLS 1.3 for encryption-in-transit. Your information is well protected at all times.

Workplace Integrations

When integrating with external services like Slack, we follow strict API-level authentication requirements and respect the permissions you grant to Recap. Your data protection is paramount to us, and we welcome any questions or concerns at For more details on our Privacy Policy, visit

integrations with tools you love, slack, twingbot pro

SOC 2 Type 2 (Upcoming)

We know how important security and privacy is for our customers. We ensure the highest standards of security and privacy for our users. We have begun the process of achieving a SOC 2 Type 2 certification which is considered the gold standard. We expect to complete the certification by July, 2024!

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Copyright © 2024 Twing Inc. All rights reserved.

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Coming this July, 2024